Array combination workshop

Bologna, Italy, 2024

The Italian ARC node is glad to announce a workshop on the ALMA arrays combination that  will be held in Bologna at the Italian ARC node between 16th and 18th October 2024.

Presentations and tutorials will be given by Adele Plunkett, Dirk Petry and Francesca Bonanomi.

The event will be in person only and it will last 3 days, from the afternoon of October 16th till lunch time on October 18th. It will be limited to 40 people maximum and it is intended for ARC node members and invited expert users.


Different tools and methods for array combination will be discussed with hands-on sessions. Here a preliminary program (Italian time zone):

  • 16th October (14 30 – 18.00)

Combining ACA and main array

  • 17th October (9 30 – 17 30)

Combining TP + ALMA interferometric data

  • 18th October (9 30 – 12 30)

Combining data from telescopes other than ALMA

Venue, logistics and contact

The meeting will be held at the Congress Centre of the CNR-campus, via Gobetti 101, Bologna, Sala 216.
Directions to reach the campus can be found here
Hotels close to the campus are listed here.

For any request please contact the Italian ARC: