Journey Across our Nifty-galaxy (JAN):

Jan’s Masers and Star Formation legacy in Bologna and beyond

In celebration of Jan Brand’s retirement, the Italian node of the ALMA Regional Centre Italiano organizes a workshop dedicated to the research activities and accomplishments he has undertaken throughout his academic career.”

Dates and locations

Program (Bologna time zone):

25/10, Wednesday

chair Massardi

15:00   Massardi: Welcome from the Italian ARC
15:05   Brunetti: Welcome and best wishes from the IRA Director

chair Rygl

15:20   Brand: Review talk
15:50   Engels: H2O masers: Lessons learned from a decades long  monitoring program
16:15   Massi: A long-standing collaboration with Jan on NGC6357: the environment of very high-mass star formation
16:40   coffee break

chair Liuzzo

16:55   Dall’Olio: Masers as tool to study magnetic fields in protostars
17:20   Wouterloot: A cloud in the FOG
17:45   Magnani: Young Jan at the University of Maryland in 1986 (remote)
18:10   Palazzi/Russo: Libraries in the Bologna Area

20:00   dinner at Cantina Bentivoglio

26/10, Thursday

chair Bonato

09:00   Testi: The early days of ALMA in Italy and the role of Jan and the Italian ARC in Bologna
09:25   Massardi: Running the Italian ARC

chair Baronchelli

09:40   Richards: The weather around old, wet stars: Pulsation, evolutionary progress or   playfulness? (remote)
10:05   Etoka: H2O maser variability in evolved stars (remote)
10:30   coffee break

chair Marchili

10:45   Olmi: Jan and the SF/radio group at Arcetri
11:10   Giannetti: Chemistry at low metallicity: altering the reipe for complexity
11:35   Sabatini: Timing the formation process of high-mass stars
12:00   Bonato: Final remarks and cheers